a short visit to bru ? why ? have a look...
starts with this :
the must have !!!
big big thanks to fast freddy
to pay a deposit for me !!!
take a flight to dansk to go to brussel but dont pixel anything there !!!
be sure , i ignore this...
arriving in brussel a japanese fridolin
with mr. marinus inside picked me up
and 20 minutes later the deal was perfect
!!! thx chris !!!
whats now ?
call two of the most interesting guys in belgium -
mr. 1500S and mr. EMPI and go for a dinner
in a restaurant with naked and MASSIV BOOBED service girls !!!
japolin / fridonese was waiting outside...
then meet S-man ,
go for a drink
and have fun with the bananabunker !!!
next morning japolin / fridonese takes the highway to vienna...and stops as a "european bug in" reporter at bad camberg !!!
thx to all , and be sure , its nothing better than have friends all around the planet...