_________-_______the magic number is reached !!!
better then the 1000 , 100.000 or the million visitor on this blog !!!!!
the one and only chance to see this number at the counter ,
( to see it at every rear wheel at my aircooled cars is the easier way )
but fun around cars , friends , and porn doesnt stop here...
date 8/20/2007
TYPE 3 SELECTA... one of the best toys
on my computer !!!
great to built some of my
notch , squares and fastys
that i owned , restored
or still have in the garage .
date 8/13/2007
nothing !
you are not drunk or used other brainsucking things...
..."linde's" sister is only catched by a tree since the 70ties !!!
date 8/08/2007
...comes out
for a ride today !
i like the look and i am sure that i never paint the 67' baltic blue again .
i am happy with this ultra rare rear lights...
and also with this
real rare buttons
in my next project !!!
date 8/01/2007