AIR meets WATER or B4 meets V8

every month the oldcarscene around vienna go to a big shopping center in the south of vienna .
its fine to meet there a lot of american , japanese , british and so on...classic cars .
have a look :
DKT was last time there and had a lot of fun !later they changed the location and used a "livingroom" near by to make there own indoor aftershowparty !

was a great BBQ with beer , drinks , snacks and octanstorys until the morning...
frontengine-users are allways welcome and great to see that the have also fun with there toys !

TYPE 4 ... a large typ 3 ?


...of , ähhhh , overhead "cockrings" in japanese undergrounds ?and you can see , they make girls happy...wuahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

1:1 MEETS 1:32

great fun to park both 917 side to side !was a funny weekend at the racetrack the real one and in the slot !!!